On 2020-05-24 20:47, Florian Lohoff wrote:

> - The "Ground truth" we tag restrictions only when visibly assigned and
> verifyable.

It is sufficient to say "verifiable". It does not always need to be
evidenced by a visible sign - as long as another independent mapper
could (easily) verify its truth. The fact that (in many countries) speed
limits and parking rules change when you enter a settlement means that
these attributes are verifiable without there needing to be an explicit

> So - people try to overload the meaning of access=private
> with something more like ownership=private.

Access=private always means you have no "right" of access, and must keep
out unless you have permission from the appropriate authority (be that
the owner of a driveway or the operator of a nuclear power station).
That permission can be explicit (a permit or invitation) or implicit
(delivery drivers etc). Routers frequently apply different rules for the
first and last segments of a route, blocking routing over "private"
roads in the body of the route but not hesitating to use them if they
are the only way to access the start and destination locations.
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