Hi Joe,

I'm not sure what's happening with the write-back, but looking at your
code, it seems that the reconstruct function is not needed.

Indeed, when you write, say:

  replace node $ref with $new-ref

A copy of $new-ref is always made (this the semantics of XQuery Update),
which is what is inserted. So even if $new-ref points to a node in the
original document, this alone can't lead to an error.

The same goes line 43: a copy is made, that's two in total.

>From what I see, an insert-as-last into the ref element would be sufficient.

I hope it helps!

Kind regards,

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 12:53 AM, Joe Wicentowski <joe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm struggling with an XQuery Update problem which is corrupting the file
I'm trying to update.  I've posted my code samples to
https://gist.github.com/joewiz/2369367de3babba30e0aad8c9beec893 - but
here's the core of the issue:
> I'm working with a TEI document containing <ref> elements that I'm trying
to manipulate with XQuery Update. Specifically, I'm grabbing a page number
reference from the text node immediately following the <ref> element, and I
want to move the page number inside the <ref> element. (I'm actually trying
to do a few more things, but I've reduced the sample code to do just this,
because it illustrates the problem I'm facing.)
> The problem is that the XQuery Update statement corrupts my file. The
resulting file has 0 bytes. When I comment out the XQuery Update statement
and uncomment the $test variable in the return expression, I get expected
results, so I think the logic is sound. I have a feeling that the problem
may have to do with line 25, where I add attributes to an element; when I
comment out this, the corruption doesn't occur. But I need the attributes
in that line. So I'm stumped. I've never encountered data corruption with
XQuery Update, so I really hope there's a solution.
> I'm using Saxon-EE XQuery inside of oXygen 17.1, with Saxon's
options for XQuery 3.0 and XQuery Update enabled.
> Many thanks for any suggestions,
> Joe
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