I'm not sure what options oXygen sets when it invokes Saxon's XQuery Update. By 
default the result of doing an update in Saxon doesn't overwrite the original 
file, but that's configurable depending on how it's invoked.

I'll take a look at it outside the oXygen environment and see if I can tell 
what's going on.

XQuery Update has been rather neglected of late, both as a spec and in the 
Saxon implementation. We don't get much feedback on it and it doesn't get 
tested as thoroughly as some other parts of the code, especially in terms of 
the various APIs.

As a general point, this is a product issue rather than a language issue, and 
with product issues it's generally better to go to a product-specific forum. In 
the case of Saxon that's saxonica.plan.io.

Michael Kay

> On 9 Jun 2016, at 23:53, Joe Wicentowski <joe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm struggling with an XQuery Update problem which is corrupting the file I'm 
> trying to update.  I've posted my code samples to 
> https://gist.github.com/joewiz/2369367de3babba30e0aad8c9beec893 
> <https://gist.github.com/joewiz/2369367de3babba30e0aad8c9beec893> - but 
> here's the core of the issue:
> I'm working with a TEI document containing <ref> elements that I'm trying to 
> manipulate with XQuery Update. Specifically, I'm grabbing a page number 
> reference from the text node immediately following the <ref> element, and I 
> want to move the page number inside the <ref> element. (I'm actually trying 
> to do a few more things, but I've reduced the sample code to do just this, 
> because it illustrates the problem I'm facing.)
> The problem is that the XQuery Update statement corrupts my file. The 
> resulting file has 0 bytes. When I comment out the XQuery Update statement 
> and uncomment the $test variable in the return expression, I get expected 
> results, so I think the logic is sound. I have a feeling that the problem may 
> have to do with line 25, where I add attributes to an element; when I comment 
> out this, the corruption doesn't occur. But I need the attributes in that 
> line. So I'm stumped. I've never encountered data corruption with XQuery 
> Update, so I really hope there's a solution.
> I'm using Saxon-EE XQuery inside of oXygen 17.1, with Saxon's options 
> for XQuery 3.0 and XQuery Update enabled.
> Many thanks for any suggestions,
> Joe
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