I'm confused.  I thought:

Circular boleo - I rotate woman and then stop or reverse her rotation.  Free
leg continues to create boleo.

Circular contra-boleo - I initiate rotation and free leg remains behind
creating boleo.

If I understand correctly, her leg goes nowhere(!) in contra-boleo, just
remains where it is, so it could not possibly hit anything.  Now if at end
of contra-boleo I stop her rotation with some energy, or reverse her
direction, I have led a second boleo that is a regular circular boleo and
leg could certainly hit something.  But if I slow her down nicely, free leg
just collects.


I lead contra-boleo, not regular boleo, in crowded conditions because leg
remains entirely within already occupied space and does not fly out into


For linear boleo, can not lead contra-boleo unless you essentially pick up
woman and move her linearly through space leaving leg behind.  Not easy and
probably not pretty.  Liner boleo appears to always require that woman is
stepping and lead stops and free foot/leg continues.

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