Seems to me like we have a consensus to make this a working group doc.  We’ll 
get this re-issued with a working group filename.


> On Oct 13, 2016, at 1:38 AM, Michael Welzl <> wrote:
>> On 10. okt. 2016, at 19.10, Joe Touch < <>> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Gorry (et al.),
>> On 10/10/2016 9:56 AM, <> 
>> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> OK, so in the context of TAPS, the WG called for a list of UDP services.
>>> This is what is in the  ID. ...
>>> This ID clearly isn't an API spec.
>>> ...
>>> I don't personally know whether an API spec for UDP is useful or not, but
>>> suspect the list of services needed by UDP Apps is the thing the WG is
>>> presnetly looking for.
>> I have to admit I have no idea what you mean by "the list of services
>> needed by UDP Apps" if that doesn't basically start and end with the UDP
>> API.
> It’s not an API spec but it does “basically start and end” with the API. It 
> follows the same approach as
> draft-ietf-taps-transports-usage, which also very much “basically starts and 
> ends” with the API, in how
> primitives are derived. Details on this relationship are maybe clearest in 
> the appendix, where we describe
> how to contribute text  (in some future version, this should probably be 
> renamed into “how this document was
> created”).
>> Anything else needed by UDP apps isn't needed because they're UDP. And
>> having that list (of "things besides the UDP API") without a proper UDP
>> API wouldn't be very useful.
> It certainly is the right input for anyone creating an API. E.g., it IS the 
> input from which we derive our protocol-independent
> API in the NEAT project.
> Cheers,
> Michael
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