
Thanks a lot for reading and for your feedback!

Answers in line:

> On May 17, 2018, at 1:16 PM, Theresa Enghardt <ther...@inet.tu-berlin.de> 
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have read the draft, including the appendix, and I think it is in good
> shape and can be published.
> However, I stumbled across the following clarification issue:
> In Section 3, it says: "elements of the system that may prohibit
> implementation over UDP are marked with "!UDP".  To implement a
> transport system that can also work over UDP, these marked transport
> features should be excluded."
> Does this really mean that a transport system should not implement,
> e.g., 0-RTT, or otherwise it will not work over UDP? Maybe I'm just
> confused what "work over UDP" means at this point - I would assume it
> means that UDP is one of the possible choices of transport protocols.

Well, it means that 0-RTT excludes UDP.
( This reads odd here because you call it “0-RTT”; that’s why we have the 
longer phrasing in the draft: “reliable transmission before or during 
connection establishment (!UDP)”   => it’s about “reliable”. )

> But perhaps it means that UDP is the protocol that the transport system
> can always fall back to, which the draft should make more clear. In
> fact, is this the same as "implementation over either TCP or UDP is
> possible" as used in Appendix A.2 paragraph 2 and A.3?

Yes!  “can always fall back to” is what is meant. We’ll try to phrase this 
better (specifically, the wording "fall back” was eliminated upon request by 
Tommy Pauly).

> Nits:

Thanks, we’ll address them!


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