Hi Gorry,

I am much in favour with you proposal, though we can clearly define what a TAPS 
system is.


> On 25. Mar 2020, at 17:02, Gorry Fairhurst <go...@erg.abdn.ac.uk> wrote:
> As promised,
> I did a review of the arch draft and the PR that was recently done. There 
> were comments that requested to remove some normative language that has been 
> implemented in the current draft - where my review agreed, I have not 
> commented further below. However, the latest revision, also did not retain 
> the discussion of what I suggested should be normative. I have worked through 
> the various comments in github and summarise them here (since these comments 
> are now burried in the git, see 502 et al).
> So here goes:
> Overall review: I think we need to keep the normative language for the key 
> features that differentiate the API. I'd really like to use REQUIRED, 
> RECOMMENDED, rather MUST and SHOULD - because these are not protocol 
> operation requirements, but are implementation requirements to conform. This 
> includes requirements based on Minset - where the WG dervied this API: This 
> is after all why the WG worked on Minset as the basis of the API.
> ----
> The following are key requirements, that define the TAPS architecture:
> * It is RECOMMENDED that functionality that is common across multiple 
> transport protocols is made accessible through a unified set of TAPS 
> interface calls. As a baseline, a Transport Services API is 
> RECOMMENDED/REQUIRED to allow access to the minimal set of features offered 
> by transport protocols {{?I-D.ietf-taps-minset}}.
> * TAPS automates the selection of protocols and features, based on a set of 
> Properties supplied through the TAPS interface. It is RECOMMENDED that a TAPS 
> system offers Properties that are common to multiple transport protocols. 
> Specifying common Properties enables a system to appropriately select between 
> protocols that offer equivalent features. This design permits evolution of 
> the transport protocols and functions without affecting the programs using 
> the system.
> * Applications using the TAPS API are REQUIRED to be robust to the automated 
> selection provided by TAPS, including the possibility to express requirements 
> and preferences that constrain the choices that can be made by the system.  
> In normal use, TAPS Systems are RECOMMENDED to be designed so that all 
> selection decisions result in consistent choices for the same network 
> conditions when they have the same set of preferences. This is intended to 
> provide predictable outcomes to the application using the transport service.
> * Applications using TAPS MAY explicitly require or prevent the use of 
> specific transport features (and transport protocols) using the "REQUIRED" 
> and "PROHIBIT" preferences. This allows an application to constrain the set 
> of protocols and features that will be selected for the transport service. It 
> is RECOMMENDED that the default usage by applications does not unecessarily 
> restrict this selection, so that the system can make informed choices (e.g., 
> based on the availability of interfaces or set of transport protocols 
> available for the specified remote endpoint).
> ---
> After thought, here is my specific poposal of what to do next:
> (a) I suggest we group all the requirements on architecture as short one or 
> two sentence blocks (preferably as a bullet or definition list) collected 
> into a single subsection, so they are easy to find and read and we say that 
> these are the key architectural requirements. I suggest we insert this new 
> requirements text either their own section, or in section 1.3 (although I am 
> open to other places where we can call-out the architectural requirements).
> (b) We need to decide if these are architectural requirements and if there 
> are more or less in total. I am of course open to more refined wording:-).
> (c) We could also explicitly say there are additional requirements in racing  
> in section XX.
> (d) If this plan seems appropriate, I would then suggest to use lower case 
> within the remainder of document (we could refer to the requirements 
> subsection, if we thought necessary).
> Thoughts please, but review now completed!
> Gorry
> ---
> Additional Language NiT:
> I think the word /assumes/ is not a good choice of word.
> OLD:
> and it assumes an implementation that can use multiple IP addresses, multiple 
> protocols, multiple paths, and provide multiple application streams
> NEW:
> and it can provide benefit when an implementation can use multiple IP 
> addresses, multiple protocols, multiple paths, and provide multiple 
> application streams.
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   Philipp S. Tiesel

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