On Wed, 3 May 2000 17:20:29 -0400, Sashka wrote:

> Can you allow user to change how to open new window. I have not working
> (or  not  always working) shift button on my keyboard, and want theBat
> to  open  new  windows  ALWAYS!  Some  users doesn't want this. So add
> checkbox in options and that's all. everyone will be happy. ;-)

The present implementation offers better flexibility that your proposal
since it offers better user flexibility on the fly. IOW's, sometimes I
wish to open the URL in a separate window, and sometimes I wish to use the
same window. The Shift operator does this well. The shift operator is a
convention as well. If you click on a URL in Opera using the shift
operator, it opens the URL in a new window and it's the same for IE4 and
5. With a check-box, I'd have to be going into options and switching back
and forth to achieve the same effect.

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