Hello A,

On  Friday, August 18, 2000  at  22:57:13 GMT -0500 (which was 8:57 PM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 18:33:45 -0700, Januk Aggarwal wrote:

JA>> 2. Something very similar. Create a new message, (or a reply, it
JA>> doesn't matter) type a couple of lines so it all fits into one
JA>> window. Now use the arrow keys, page up/down keys or scroll wheel
JA>> mouse to scroll down (or horizontally). The scroll bars do not
JA>> appear.

> For me the scroll-bars appear as soon as I start typing after moving the
> cursor down or sideways.

 That's the key, as soon as you start typing.  I think TB should
 calculate the scroll bars based on cursor position (much like
 spreadsheet programs do).  This shouldn't be hard since TB knows and
 displays the cursor position anyway.

JA>>  3.  If %Cursor is *after* %Quotes in your reply template, scroll bars
JA>>  will not appear.

> I have tried this and the scroll-bars appear. :-/ The plot thickens. Is
> this an OS specific problem? I'm using Win2k. Could be a Win98 issue.

 To tell the truth, I haven't noticed this either.  I have my reply
 template in a quick template and use the %qinclude macro.  I wonder
 if it is different if one uses the folder level or account level

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.46 Beta/3
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222  A 

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