On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 08:18:52PM +0100, John Sullivan wrote:
> It provides better data-type support

    How?  It is just key/value pairs.

> structured data storage,

    No more than I get on a file system except that it isn't divorced from the
file system.

> per-user settings, 

    I get that now with the file system.  My settings are in /my/ directory...

> access-control and more. 

    ...which is owned by me.

> Using the registry also encourages good data/code separation, and good
> architectural design by making it clear where different types of data should
> go.

    Now that is a load of crock if I ever heard one.  That is like saying that
a dbm file encourages good data/code separation.  It is a storage type,
nothing more.  

> The registry is no more delicate than .ini files would be, if as much
> system configuration was stored in .ini files. Hosing the machine is
> entirely possible too, if critical information is stored in .ini
> files.

    Difference is if the registry is hosed I can't boot to edit it.  If an ini
file (text file, really) is hosed I can boot with one of, oh... 3-4 different
options (Linux, BeOS, DOS, & QNX most likely) and fix it.
> The same goes for most of the other points you mention: there is no
> inherent difference between storing a given type of data in .ini files
> and in the registry - it's still the same data with the same
> limitations.

    No, the registry presents /more/ limitations simply because it says, "It
must be here and you must use THIS tool to manipulate it."

> As for multiple profiles: Outlook/MAPI seem to manage multiple
> profiles per user ID, and all their config is in the registry. There's
> no reason TB couldn't do it to, it's just an implementation detail.

    No, it is not.  I'd love to see you move a different account with just a
copy command.  /THAT/ is the difference.  Keep all the relevant data
/TOGETHER/, not some on the file system, some in a proprietary format database
and so on.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
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