"On 05-11-2000 at 17:34:53GMT +0000 (which was 17:34 where I live)
Marck D. Pearlstone wrote regarding the subject of "Bug with using multiple Cookies":

> Hash: SHA1

> Hi Manfred,

> On 05 November 2000 at 13:44:14 GMT +0000 (which was 13:44 where I
> live) Manfred Ell wrote and made these points:

>>> I'm having problems with using more than two %cookie macros in a
>>> template where the second %cookie macro actually uses cookies from
>>> the first %cookie macro's designated cookie file instead of its
>>> own.

>>> This problem only seems to occur with the second of the initial
>>> three %cookie macros. Any subsequently included %cookie macros
>>> output just as they should.

ME>> Cannot confirm here, everything works as expected. This was my
ME>> quick-template:

> ... and I can both confirm and deny the problem. It has always worked
> perfectly for me in reply templates but not in New Message templates.
> What I observe is that, when used in a New Message template, the first
> cookie uses cookies from the second source.

> I have a set of random "Dear xxx" lines and the standard amusing
> cookies from the account default cookies within a template. When I use
> the template to create a new message I get a random joke cookie
> instead of my random greeting, like:

> "Rain is often known as soft water, oppositely known as hail Stephie,"

> This bug looks very slippery to me.

> - - --
> Cheers,
> .\\arck
>  ________________________________________________________________
> [    Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA              ]
> [ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www: http://www.silverstones.com      ]
> [ PGP Key: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Body=GET%20MARCKKEY> ]

>  Kids Stuff:
> Rain is often known as soft water, oppositely known as hail.
>  ________________________________________________________________
>  TB! v1.48 Beta/2 S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

> Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
> Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness

> V3vG9v+lV/zSkj22kCGhN6/w
> =uTPG
> - -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Hello Marck D.,

I tried this again. I have a test folder with a test new-message template:
%COOKIE="C:\Documents and Settings\manfred\test\1.txt"
%COOKIE="C:\Documents and Settings\manfred\test\2.txt"
%COOKIE="C:\Documents and Settings\manfred\test\3.txt"

Each new message inserts the correct lines from the respective files.

So either it is working here or we are doing something different.


Manfred Ell

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