dear Alto,

Sunday, April 17, 2011, 12:21:50 PM, you wrote:
> And came up with _this_?

> - RIT can't maintain a program of TheBat's complexity.

> We don't want to write it ourselves. And RIT obviously can't handle
> the job either.

Maybe you better watch "in your face" attitude and stop knocking Ritlabs
down like this.
I believe at least half the world is full of people who know how things
are not done...strangely there seem to be few great complex products
actually done by those.

Ritlabs do a terrific job, they still have a terrific program around. I
believe that's why you are on this list, too.
Yes, they have been concentrating on too much fancy stuff rather than to get
existing stuff work right (IMAP, the HTML editor is still a joke). Yes, I have
been doing my share of whining around for functional IMAP, for example.

Yes, the guy who decided to ship this present "V5" (what funny connotations
does this have, hopefully the damage won't be as large) should get his bottom
lit up, but none of that is a reason to present Ritlabs as a buch of high
school janitors. So it's up to them to learn from this, up to us to wait for a 
release...only >>in your facing<< is not going to help anyone.

Calm down and enjoy the beautiful week-end.


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