Title: Re: [TBbeta] Please configure Mailman to insert an ID for this list in the Subject line (was: Ping ... )
Hello Lüko,

Thursday, August 31, 2017, 4:00:09 AM, you wrote:

Guten Tag Thomas Fernandez,
and all the others

am Mittwoch, 30. August 2017 um 16:27 schrieben Sie:

If you set up your filters correctly, only real list mails will make it into the TBBETA folder. And the list will not let anybody who is not a member post ot it.

  Why does everybody think that I need an education in filtering? No, that is beyond the point. If only TheBat would propose the List-ID as a standard filtering criterium...

  With the accounts whose mailbox addresses have a public exposure and thus are prone to spam, I check new mail with the "Postfachinspektor" as TheBat! calls that in German, and delete everything which looks like spam, before downloading them from the server to my PC. So I had nearly deleted those three messages from complete strangers with a one-word Subject line typical for spam messages.

 To avoid losing messages on the TBbeta mailing list which might be interesting to me, I proposed to get Mailman to mark the messages with the message name, as all other mailing lists which I subscribe to.

You do manual spam filtering with the Despatcher before downloading? Wow. You must have a lot of time on your hands.

I, on the other hand, have limited space on my screen and I don't need the subject to take space for the list name, as the mail is already in the list folder. So I know to which list it belongs, and I prefer to have space for the actual subject rather than redundant information.


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Message reply created with The Bat! 7.4.16
under Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

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