Hello Lüko,

Sunday, October 29, 2017, 11:08:12 AM, you wrote:

> Guten Tag Tony Hoare,

> am Freitag, 13. Oktober 2017 um 15:09 schrieben Sie:

>>>> How do we use the VBS script?

>>> Double-click it ;-)

>> It just says Windows Scripting Host: 
>> The system cannot find the file specified.
> [...]
>> Another clue please. :-)

>   The clue is that in all probability the directory with the
> ZIP.EXE is not on your PATH, or to put it the other way, ZIP.EXE is
> in none of the directories which _are_ on the PATH. 

>   I just got the same error message, and found out that
> D:\UTIL\INFOZIP was missing on my PATH variable; it was probably
> inadvertadely deleted when I added the directory with the 7-zip
> stuff to it. I have now restored D:\UTIL\INFOZIP to the PATH varaible and it 
> works again.

>   I don't know any sensible way of checking for ZIP.EXE being on
> the PATH, so I will try to add error handling after the call to
> ZIP.EXE with all the parameters. Watch this space for the announcement of a 
> new version.

>   The script ZIP-TB-Exeptions.VBS requires ZIP.EXE to be on the
> path. Download ZIP.EXE from www.zipinfo.org  (and its companion UNZIP.EXE).


Thanks for the clue. It didn't occur to me that it was looking for an 


Best regards,
 Tony                            mailto:t...@parkinch.co.uk

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