Hello Gunivortus,

Thursday, December 7, 2017, 4:14:58 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Thomas,

>>> Why do you call me Goos?
>>> I sign all my posts here with Gunivortus Goos, Goos is the family
>>> name.  OK, most of the time I do. But even when I sing with that full
>>> name or just as Gunivortus, replies are sent to Goos.

>> Because your From name is only "Goos". If you change it in your
>> settings, our TB! will choose the right name as you prefer. ;-)

> As you see above, I call you Thomas, and not the automated
> Thomas Fernandez. And some days ago, I replied to Desk Quality Office,
> but wrote Jerry. Etc.
> Why not also looking at the signature?

TB! has beautiful automation features to increase efficiency, and it
is in your own hands to change the From name to the name you would
prefer to be addressed by when we reply to you.


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