Guten Tag Goos,

am Donnerstag, 7. Dezember 2017 um 10:14 schrieben Sie:

>>> I sign all my posts here with Gunivortus Goos, Goos is the family
>>> name.  OK, most of the time I do. But even when I sing with that full
>>> name or just as Gunivortus, replies are sent to Goos.

>> Because your From name is only "Goos". If you change it in your
>> settings, our TB! will choose the right name as you prefer. ;-)

> As you see above, I call you Thomas, and not the automated
> Thomas Fernandez. And some days ago, I replied to Desk Quality Office,
> but wrote Jerry. Etc.
> Why not also looking at the signature?

   The signature is greyed out by TheBat! standards  (which I don't like), so 
hardly visible.  

   Greeting above is created automatically from the free form FROM name. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lüko Willms
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