On 08 June 2020 at 07:03 Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA wrote and made
these points

>> In the past, announcements had the *32.rar listed before the
>> *64.rar. Now you want us to actually look at it first?

TBL> Hmmm. Actually, I didn't think the list order in the announcement matters  

I don't think it does, myself.

TBL> Basically, I think there should be no difference in priority
TBL> between 32 and 64 bits as both are in use. 

TBL> By the way, it would be nice to see what is version is used more today...

64 bit here.

While I'm here...

Beta  7 breaks the new/old customisation features a bit. I had a small
toolbar  ("ExtraActions")  that  I coded up with hotkeys and docked to
the  side  of  the  main  window.  In the new version, that toolbar is
floating  free and has no right click options to dock or customise and
won't  drag/dock.  2  of  the buttons in it have shortcut mappings for
"Follow  next" and "Follow previous". The shortcut keys still work but
those  2  options  are  not  present in the main toolbar customisation
dialog for me to rebuild the bar in the other customiser.

In  the  area  of  PITA  bugs, I will mention another, longer standing
issue  I have that nobody here was able to confirm. Every time I start
a new message - whether a reply to a message or a simple new message -
there  is a ~10 second unresponsive freeze in the UI. The days of "hit
reply  and  type"  are  gone. It seems to me that this behaviour began
with  early  v9  releases.  This problem is unrelated to reply length,
HTML  (I  default to plain text and force HTML manually if i need it),
template  (I've  used  a blank one to test). It's driving me nuts! For
the first time in more than 20 years I'm actually wondering if another
client  may suit me better. Task manager shows TB using 10-12% at this
point where it would normally max out at 5% and tick over at < 1%.

Cheers -- Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v9.1.18.7 (BETA) on Windows 10.0.18363 

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