On 18-Mar-2022, Gwen <i...@gwendragon.de> wrote:

> WTH. mailto protocol still broken.
> Can not be fixed by renaming :-(

I believe that the issue lies with TBLauncher (Possibly not passing the
correct parameters to an existing session of Thebat.exe)
If I do not have TheBat running MailTo links launch Thebat OK, but once its
running MailTo is broken

If I change the "Default" registry key at
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\The Bat! mailto\shell\open\command"
To run TheBat.exe instead of TBLauncher MailTo works OK

(Windows 11 x64, The Bat 10 Beta 5)

'Using TBBETA' information:

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