Saturday, March 19, 2022

Thanks for your email.  I've put my answers below.

Saturday, March 19, 2022, 10:04:27 AM, you wrote:

> I believe that the issue lies with TBLauncher (Possibly not passing the
> correct parameters to an existing session of Thebat.exe)
> If I do not have TheBat running MailTo links launch Thebat OK, but once its
> running MailTo is broken

> If I change the "Default" registry key at
> "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\The Bat! mailto\shell\open\command"
> To run TheBat.exe instead of TBLauncher MailTo works OK

Thanks the above information.  
I tried changing a number of registry keys with no success.  
I'll try this solution set.

Ethan J. Mings 
The Desk Consulting Group Inc.
1-200 North Service Road W. - Suite 311 | Oakville, Ontario, Canada. L6M 2Y1
Phone 905-825-9938 or 1-877-763-7776 | e-mail
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