On 2  Dec 2001, 7:13:17 AM, Allie C Martin wrote:

DAC>> Yes, and the file is there. But it should show up as a separate
DAC>> tab in the message window, and it should show up in the
DAC>> attachment column. It is doing neither. Is this related to the
DAC>> posts about attachments disappearing on outgoing mail?

> I don't know, but my question was a bug tracking one. I was thinking
> that the only way the attachment icon would disappear is if the link
> to the attachment was somehow lost. Since I don't have the problem
> while storing attachments within messages and TB! has to maintain
> links with attachments stored externally, then a bug may have arisen
> in the linking process. Something for them to work with.

Understood. I dragged the folder Mailing Lists from the account where
it was lodged to the area above all my accounts, making it a Common
Folder. (I did this BEFORE your message came where the attachment link
vanished.) Your message above prompted me to scroll down my TBBETA
folder looking for messages with attachments. At each one a passed, as
soon as I focused on that message the attachment icon vanished. It
would appear to be a common folder bug.

Dwight A. Corrin
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316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
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