On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 15:34:58 +0800GMT (which was 08:34 +0100GMT where I live),
Thomas F presented us with these thoughts about "Slow message finder":

TF> If I do want to search for the attachment name (which is in the "lower
TF> headers" and therefore neither in the Headers nor in the Body), TB
TF> comes up negative even if I choose "Anywhere". Please give me an
TF> option that searches "anywhere" in the message. Maybe a new choice:
TF> "Anywhere meaning really anywhere". And the old option "Anywhere"
TF> could be renamed "Anywhere but I don't really mean it, so search only
TF> in Headers and Body".

*LOL* I'd appreciate that! ;o)

There is the same problem with filtering on attachments as they are
indicated in the "lower headers". So, e.g., filtering on an .scr file
"anywhere" won't work. I'd really like TB! to be able to search *anywhere*.

TF> - since we are obviously allowed to modify the English language - it
TF> could be called "Nowhere". ;-)

Why not? :)

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under Windows 98, 4, 10, build 67766222,
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