On 19 Dec 2001, 9:49:13 PM, Thomas F wrote:

ST>>   We have to release a new version in a couple of days, so please
ST>>   do not blame us if there will be unfixed (long-standing) bugs
ST>>   in the release version

> Sorry, I have no understading for this policy. Should I warn the poor
> folks on the German lists that the new version contains known bugs but
> has been released nevertheless (if you do deicde to make this fatal
> marketing mistake)? Please fix the bugs first, and then release. I can
> with no good conscience recommend a buggy program.

I guess I can't even imagine what is about to happen. Are we talking
about releasing a version 1.54? If this is true it's crazy. 1.54 is
not yet ready for prime time!

Are you talking about releasing this as 2.0? If that is true, TheBat!
is about to self destruct.

The 1.54 Beta has great promise. I see lots of good things starting to
fall into place. BUT it still has too many incomplete additions and
rough edges. Common folders are going to be good, but right now they
are not there yet. The same is true of lots of things happening here.

People who don't like betas until they are pretty solid would do well
to move to 1.54 by now. People who resist all betas will be very
unhappy with 1.54, because it will be clear that it is really just a
beta not a perfected thing.

Don't do it. Please.

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/17 on Windows NT version 5,1

Archives   : http://tbbeta.thebat.dutaint.com
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