Hello TBBETA Members!

   I just had a message finished that it works, bur: No.

   For a few minutes everything looked rock solid with no memory drain
   at all. But after having a short trip through one of my folder
   consisting of 16 messages RAM was gone. Worse, the Tray icon showed
   new messages when there weren't any but wasn't flapping.

   When I tried to change the viewer - never a problem before - TB!
   told me I was out of memory and immediately got an AV. It got it
   over and over again when I OK'ed it.

   And after closing TB! the hard way and opening it again FreeMemPro
   has trouble to get back the memory. Seems, TB! left something
   there, or took with it a programme (GetRight was gone with it) that
   left something behind. GR usually just gets killed without leaving
   a footprint behind.

   Had to kill FMP, too. after a restart of it, everything was fine.

   Oh, BTW, thanks for putting the new beta on line again with the new
   RAR scheme. This way I could just try the Squeez 4 beta on it,
   which I am currently testing extensively.*

   *To be honest, and before everyone hits me, this is part sarcasm and
   part true. Take whatever part *you* need to feel good tonight ...

Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/48 on Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

Ein Berater ist jemand, der 49 Liebespositionen kennt, aber kein
einziges Mädchen. (Kasimir M. Magyar)

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