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@ 20:09:02 +0100 [ Mon, 25 Mar 2002], Peter Meyns [PM] contributed this
to our collective wisdom:
PM> the plugin for PGP 6.5.8 works well here. With GnuPG however, there
PM> are some problems. TB! lets me sign messages with GPG, but it
PM> refuses to encrypt or decrypt, the error msg telling me that the key
PM> was not found (although it is in my keyring). I can encrypt to
PM> myself, though. GPGShell de- or encrypts without problems.

PM> Anything on my side that I can do?

TB!'s plug-in has smart-matching hard coded into how it works. What this
means is that for signing, it will only do so if it finds on your
keyring, a key with an associated UID that perfectly matches the From:
address in the message headers. When I say perfect match, I mean name
and e-mail address *together*.

For instance, if your keys UID is 'Jasper Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>',
TB!'s plugin will not sign if you fill in your messages 'from:' address
as 'Jasper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. You have to add the latter identity
as another UID. This is why I have a list of UID's on my main key:

Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Allie C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Allie Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Allie Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Allie Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Allie Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The advantage of this system applies when you have multiple keys. With
this smartmatching system, the plug-in will autosign with the appropriate
key instead of a default key as in PGP. I have an alternate key for this
list with the UID 'allie_M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. Signing of messages to
this list is template driven and the correct key to sign with is always
appropriately chosen.

The encryption/decryption of messages follows a similar system. An UID
match must occur before the encryption decryption process is done.
Otherwise you'll receive an error message. A typical example is that
you're replying to a message from someone who's public key doesn't
include their reply to name/address combo as a UID.

I don't see any advantages of including smart-matching in
encryption/decryption operations. Let the user select the relevant keys.
If it's the correct key then the person at the other end will be able to
decrypt it. If you choose the wrong key to decrypt with, then the
message will not decrypt. Simple. I don't know what's with the smart
matching and I tend to just use GPG Shell for this. However, I find the
plugin very nice for signing and signature checking once you are aware
of how it works and add your identities, which you should anyway.

- --
 Allie C Martin (_ List Moderator and fellow end user
__________________) PGPKey - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TB! v1.60 & Windows XP 5.1.2600
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6-2 (MingW32)


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