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@ 13:21:41 -0600 [ Mon, 25 Mar 2002], Joseph N. [JN] thoughtfully wrote
the following:
JN> My experience is that one is better off using GnuPG through the
JN> GPGshell tray program than with The Bat's plug-in.  Reliability is
JN> better and the options are greater.

The possibilities are greater if you use both together, taking advantage
of each of their strengths. In this way, I actually much prefer using
GPG to PGP at present. My only problem is the key auto-retrieval problem
that GPG has when run on NT-based systems.

JN> I found some of TB's menu options didn't produce with GnuPG,

Yes. The plugin isn't that developed to include these components and I
suspect this is so because the existence of GPG Shell is known. :-)

JN> including poor key management.

You can't manage keys via the TB! plugin. You have to use the GPG CLI.

JN> The tray options do not produce exta work, just extra control.

Well, mostly yes. However, if you're in the habit of signing a lot of
messages in a predictable fashion, nothing beats setting this up to be
automated and forgetting about it, especially if you use multiple keys.
GPG Shell doesn't offer this automation, but TB!'s plugin does. :-)

- --
Allie C Martin -- List Moderator
[MUA: TB! v1.60 (*) OS: Windows XP 5.1.2600]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6-2 (MingW32)


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