I really wish someone from RIT Labs would read this list once in a while
even outside of Beta testing. All our bug reports and suggestions, not
to mention important questions (what the hell is 1.60??), are left
completely unanswered. That's NOT the way to treat clients, and
especially clients-testers... the last RIT-originated message dates
11.Apr, that's over 2 weeks ago!..

I'd REALLY like to know what this 1.60 is, whether it's an official
release or a half-beta or a third-party trojan!..

Confucius say: Man with an itchy butt have smelly fingers.
 |\  /|      \~~~/     \~~~/   WWW: http://none :(
 | \/ |  /\   > <  \~/  > <    E-M: maxxx[at]rpg.pl
 |____| /__\ /___\ /_\ /___\   ICQ: 3146019

Flyin' high with The Bat! v1.54 Beta/44
over the swamps of Windows 2000 5.0 build 2195 Dodatek Service Pack. 2

Archives   : http://tbbeta.thebat.dutaint.com
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Bugs/Wishes: https://bt.ritlabs.com/

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