Hi Marck,

on Fri, 4 Apr 2003 21:28:14 +0100GMT (04.04.03, 22:28 +0200GMT here),
you wrote in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

PM>> However, I must switch TB!'s threading habit to "Subject" to see the
PM>> effect.

MDP> In that case you're doing something wrong. This method provides a
MDP> full references header.

Yes indeed, it does. I must have been too tired yesterday. I set it up
anew and everything works now as it should. :-) A new message is created
that threads correctly, and the original remains where it is,

PM>> And what will happen the next time, I routinely kill dupes,
PM>> purge, and compress? The message-ids are identical, so which one
PM>> will be deleted?

I found out myself: none, probably because of their different sizes. The
MIDs are still identical though...


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