Hi Denis,

on Thu, 11 Dec 2003 18:36:55 +0200GMT (11.12.03, 17:36 +0100GMT here),
you wrote in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

DR> When  I run TB minimized (options "Minimize to the System Tray" is on)
DR> it's  not  active  until  I  click  TB-icon  in tray - don't check new
DR> e-mail, don't show unreaded messages... It do nothing :(

Not confirmed here. I start The Bat! minimized with Windows and I can
immediately hit <alt>+<F2> to receive messages from all accounts.


This message was created with The Bat!, version 2.02.3 CE
under OS Windows 98, 4, 10, build 2222,
on a Pentium II machine at 200MHz, 64 MB RAM

Winamp currently playing: Colosseum - Valentyne Suite - 05 - The Valentyne Suite

 Current beta is 2.02 CE FINAL | "Using TBBETA" information:

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