Hi Thomas,

On Sat, 15 May 2004 12:15:15 +0700 (1:15 AM here), Thomas Fernandez
[TF] wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

TF> Will it remain half-implemented, like the Unread tab which I
TF> cannot use because the message currently being read will disappear
TF> upon the next mail check?

I keep waiting and waiting for this disappearing message problem to be
resolved. I have broadband connection and yet I cannot poll for mail
at intervals for fear of losing an unread message. It was annoying
months ago, now its more than that. Why can't this problem get fixed
before adding more features. Its a serious flaw ... it renders
interval polling unusable.

Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA

Using TB! v2.11 Beta/8 under Windows XP 5.1.2600 SP1
(see kludges for my pgp key)

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