Hello, Dierk.

DH> Interestingly nobody cared about "fu" (or the more violent knifes,
DH> shoots and what-nots) before the introduction of 9Vals moonlighting.
Hmm. Some facts have been substituted? AFAIK care of it appeared after
first "fu", not after my words about work in off-work time.

DH> In addition to b): If ever we'd had comparable improvement talk on
DH> more serious matters as we now have it on such a silly whim
It is not political correct to say 'we' - every political correct
person says IMHO, IMHO.

DH> (nothing against silliness and whim, 9Val, I am the last to not
DH> love silly whims) as these emoticons,
Is it whim or silly whim or something else everybody decides himself.

DH> IMAP, VF, Unicode, UI and other more pressing matters would
DH> perhaps be world standard.
Work in progress and I'm always ready to discuss them.

BTW, IMHO list is not good place to discuss me, my preferences and my
whims. If you wish, we could discuss them in private conversation.


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