Hello 9Val!

On Sunday, May 30, 2004 at 10:31:52 PM you wrote:

> Hmm. Some facts have been substituted? AFAIK care of it appeared after
> first "fu", not after my words about work in off-work time.

The point wasn't my allusion to you having time to spare ( ;-) ) but
that before a middle finger erect nobody cared about certain letter

> It is not political correct to say 'we' - every political correct
> person says IMHO, IMHO.

As I wrote - and I am perfectly aware, you understood and made a joke
here -, I don't care much about PC - it's not for the good of the
receiver but only for the sake of "covering your ass" as Americans put
it so well some decades ago.

> Is it whim or silly whim or something else everybody decides himself.

No Doubt, I stay with both my statements: silly whim, and I like silly
whims, being Whimsical* myself.

> Work in progress and I'm always ready to discuss them.

Since this is the second post harking on my examples, I want to clear
up another point: they were just illustrations, although surely more
important than emoticons ... Pick whatever your favourite bug/feature
is and substitute it.

> BTW, IMHO list is not good place to discuss me, my preferences and my
> whims. If you wish, we could discuss them in private conversation.

Another point I made: I am not here to discuss developer's, tester's
or user's whims and preferences. All my messages in this thread were
part serious comment, part ironic reflection.

As long as TB does what I need and want, you, Stefan, Alexander and
all the other programmers may add what they want - just think of it as

*Ever read Dorothy Sayers?

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 2.11 Beta/9 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

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Think logically, but orthogonally. (Robert Sapolsky)

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