Friday, November 5, 2004, 8:26:45 PM, (Internet Time - @143) you wrote:

Hello Allie,

>> I have a strange new entry into "Options / Preferences" called "Anothe
>> Setings" What is this for ?? Are you sure of the spelling of these
>> options  

AM> The spelling is definitely wrong. :)

AM> I'm not sure what they really wish to put there since, even with correct
AM> settings, it doesn't make much sense to me.

AM> It could be meant to be 'Other Settings' or 'Miscellaneous' where the
AM> settings that don't really belong to any of the other categories, would
AM> go.

 I have to agree with you on the spelling. I took it to be "Other
 Settings" but not for sure.

 Also when you select the option, it shows the "Work Days" of the
 week. I am not familiar with German, but do they spell Monday the same
 way as the Americans? This one is spelled "manday".

 But over all I have had very good luck with the IMAP features in this
 release. I do not have the sound problems I had before. I only have
 one filter and it is working as expected.

 I went back and followed the guidelines that others had posted with
 their IMAP settings and I did set it up for "Fast Internet

 So far so good.

Best regards,
 Michael                 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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