Hello Tony!

On Saturday, November 06, 2004, 1:23 PM, you wrote:

MB> 1) I hit the FWD arrow icon
MB> 2) Message body appears quoted, with To and subject fields blank
MB> 3) I fill in the To field

MB> Message body disappears, leaving only my sig.

For myself, I have solved it. And it's not a bug, unless address book
templates not being conserved at some point is a bug.

I've just been to the AB and checked out all the FWD templates, and
the "%Text" was missing, although the rest of the template was there.

So, the Account template of course did not over-ride this AB template
with the missing macro.

Sorry to have given incomplete information. I just didn't check far
enough--my besetting sin. :woe:

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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