
This beta is proving the best for me in terms of connection speed, but
is failing in other areas unfortunately.

The problems I'm currently experiencing are (in no particular order);

1. Duplicate emails in list views.

Sometimes when entering a folder, I can see each message twice. I have
to leave the folder and re-enter to see the correct message list/count.

2. Incorrect or no message displayed after deleting a message.

I can be browsing my messages whilst viewing the preview window and
delete the odd message. This causes major problems with viewing the rest
of my messages, as they all now seem to be out of line. The message
selected in the message list, would be different to that seen in the
preview window as a result of deleting a message. For example, I could
have 5 messages, 1 from Mr A, 1 from Mr B, Mr C, D.....etc in my list.
If I delete the message from Mr B and my selection in the list moves to
Mr A, I would see the message from Mr C in the preview window. On trying
to select Mr A, I'd see 'No Message Loaded'.

3. Incorrect marked messages.

Similar to that of above, I can reply to a few mails, forward one or two
and delete a few. But this then results in message marking being
incorrect. An example I had recently was I replied to the second message
on the list, then deleted it. This reply flag was then viewable on the
third message on the list that I hadn't even read yet, let alone replied

Although not a show stopper, these are 'basic' things that I feel need
rectifying. Point 1 has been around for quite a while now, but 2 & 3
I've only noticed in this latest beta, as I was previously using

Talking of which, are message forwarding and replying server side
marked, as when I view my message list in TB! compared to Thunderbird,
different markings show!?

Anyway, anyone who has experienced any or all of the above, or simply
have any comments, please add them.

Overall, a good performance increase and I feel we're heading in the
right direction, but there's a few basics that need 'twaeking' :-)


Created using The Bat! v3.0.2.8
OS of Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
Cleaning up SPAM with Bayes Filter Plugin v2.0.0

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