At 11:46 [GMT+0000] on Monday February 28 (actual time - 7:46pm on Monday in
Perth, Western Australia), you wrote:

MC>> It VERY clearly says 'check-box", not a button. As in something you set in
MC>> preferences, so it will do what you want all the time. (If it matches the
MC>> whitelist, or whatever. It's not like we haven't discussed this a 

>  Still a silly idea, one button is enough, pointless having a checkbox to
>  turn a button on and off. You don't have checkboxes to turn the toolbar
>  icons on and off.

>  I would however like a checkbox to turn the X on or off so that it
>  minimises instead of completely closing down.

Well it's exactly the same thing. A checkbox to set a preference in a
semipermanent way. Or have it removable from the toolbar - I'm sure nobody
cares EXACTLY how it's implemented, and the effect is identical.

I'd like the 'X' checkbox as well, but, of course, that's not how windows ran
HISTORICALLY, so it's a pretty dangerous option, being able to alter things like
that nowadays.



cheers, mic

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