Hello Greg!

On Sunday, May 01, 2005, 3:20 PM, you wrote:

> Sorry haven't been keeping up with the list, but has threading by
> references / subject been fixed or option been provided?

It has not.

As near as I can gather, the development team seems to be planning to
restore this distinction in a beta series post-3.5 full release.

I think it is a mistake not to fix that now. I think it will hurt a
lot of people who are not beta testers now and will be stunned at the

It's crucial to future TB! functionality to have this option.

Additionally--and I do think they are probably working on this, from
one of 9Val's remarks--the short-cut editor needs to have more
functionality than it presently does in RC2.

Further, the scrollbar function is inadequate. See Marck D.
Pearlstone's post,

And, further about customization: Mary wants her yellow unread
envelopes back, or a way to customize for this feature!

Thanks for writing about the lacks in the list posted by Peter
Ouwehand, although, like everyone, I'm very grateful to him for
gathering that list together.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.5 Return RC1 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.5 Return RC/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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