Hello Dimitry Andric & everyone else,

on 24-Mai-2005 at 21:44 you (Dimitry Andric) wrote:

> And this is precisely what MSI can't cope with: it needs the old msi to
> be able to do ANYTHING with your installation, even upgrading or
> uninstallation. (In fact, I've understood that MSI deals with upgrading
> by doing an uninstallation of the old version first, which often fails
> miserably, and then a "normal" install of the new version. This usually
> forces you to reboot twice or even more times for a simply upgrade...)

Can someone give a short summary on the *advantages* of releasing software
in an MSI install package?

What I've read so far means that its uncomfortable to deal with, a waste of
diskspace, and you need a separate cleanup tool to fix the mess it leaves.

I dare say that Nullsoft Install System does a better job.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

And there's a dreadful law here - it was made by mistake, but there it
is - that if anyone asks for machinery, they have to have it and keep
on using it. -- E. Nesbit

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