Hello Stuart,

On Friday, May 27, 2005 at 1:27:41 AM Stuart [SC] wrote:

SM>> I  ask  for  confirmation  first  and  for Bugtrack Report creation by
SM>> another person that know English better than me. ;)

SC>  I see. I was wondering why you would perform such a search. Do you
SC> know that if you double click on a correctly formatted mid that it
SC> will take you directly to that message. Try the one below.


SC> This allows you not to have to do a search in the search box.

Sure, but requires a certain format. If one gets a message "Have a
look in message with ID <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>." You need to search
manually, because The Bat! has no function, e.g. in context menu of
"supposed to be" mail-links like 40tude, 'search MID'. This function
of course would make live easier in such cases, but until than one
need to use <F7> ;-)

And I really see the reason why I can't search for a complete header
line, *including* header name. Maybe I want to search for 'X-My-Field'
containing 'foo' or 'bar' or 'stupid nonsense' or 'nothing'. And I
don't want to use 'matchs' because I'm a lousy regexp writer ;-)

Ohh ... I've just found an even better example ;-) Your mail contained
'X-Country: CA'. You don't really want to search for *every* 'CA' in
any header field, and find them all, just to find messages with this
header set as in your mail, don't you? ;-)
Peter Palmreuther

(The Bat! v3.5.18 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2)

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