On Monday, May 30, 2005, 3:40:05 PM, Peter Hampf wrote:
> Good evening Munango-Keewati,

> on Mon, 30 May 2005 13:24:11 -0500 GMT your local time you wrote:

>>> It must NOT hide the read messages inside these folders.

MK>> Please explain why I would want to know which folders have unread
MK>> messages, but not see those messages.

> Because of the better overview. Imagine you have 10+ Accounts with doozens of
> folders in each account this feature is a great advantage!

I'm afraid it is not obvious to me why this would be a particular
advantage, unless you were using it to read new (unread) messages.  In
that case, seeing read and unread by default doesn't seem to be

> As said by MAU and others you can easily get what you want if you advise TB to
> show only unread messages. BTW, if TB would do that by default, one
> disadvantage would be that you'd loose the context in threaded folders.

Or it could work in reverse, showing unread messages by default (after
all, we are talking about the UNREAD tab), and then YOU could use
whatever method you like to make it show both. As to context, those
read messages would only be a click on the All tab away. What you have
to ask yourself is, how often do most users want to see read messages
along with the unread ones? My guess is that the answer would be,
"Occasionally." Occasional needs should not be the basis for default

MK>> A good piece of software works intuitively out of the box and doesn't rely
MK>> on hard-to-find settings to do normal, everytime things.

> For ME the current behaviour is exactly MY everytime thing!

I doubt most users have ten accounts or often need to drill back to
earlier messages to find the context.  Default behavior should be
based on what most users (especially those who might be switching to
The Bat from other software) want to do most of the time.


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