
Friday, June 3, 2005, 11:59:31 AM, you wrote:

SC> Try this. In the address book select a group you want to show up in
SC> the Address pop-up. RMB on the group name and put a check mark beside
SC> "Add Items to the Instant Address Pop-up". Then go to each group entry
SC> and put a check mark beside each individual you want to appear in the
SC> pop-up. Close the address book, start a new message, RMB beside the
SC> To: header and look for the Positive results. At least in theory. :)

That fixed BOTH problems!  Apparently, the screen location issue
only occurs when the list is very long -- and it seems that one of
the betas along the path to 3.5r25 changed the default to show
every address in my book and cleared the other setting (if it was
ever required before).

Thanks!  You are too cool!

Steve Valliere | tb3.5r25 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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