Hi Tony,
   On 15/6/2005 1:53 PM +0100, you wrote:

> Same here, exceptionally fast.
> Let's see if I got this correct. I tell Berry to thread, it tells the
> Fastmail server I want to thread and turns threading on server side

I'm not sure about the actual inner workings of how it's done but it
seems to be something like that, yes. 

> just the same as if I create a box in Berry and it then tells the
> server and that box is created server end. Am I on the same end of
> the stick as you?

Right. When browsing mailboxes via Mulberry, you're actually looking at
and browsing what's on the server. On the screen is just a user
friendly  interface for browsing. The threading takes that further.
Mulberry will just display the list that's already threaded server
side. However, if the server cannot thread the messages, then Mulberry
can. It's just that it would need to retrieve a lot more message
related data. So it prompts the user about what to do next. Thread all
or just thread what's currently being displayed.

  Allie Martin
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