
On 27-06-2005 02:56, you [AM] wrote in
AM> I just re-discovered how to enable verbose logging for an account.


I don't have such large mailboxes as you know but I can sympathize.

AM> I don't know about everyone else and opinions on this would be nice.

AM> Having no feedback during this sort of activity is not nice, especially
AM> when the user is in the dark about what's happening. TB! does have a
AM> progress bar that comes up when message bodies are being loaded or when
AM> attachments are being retrieved.

I also think there is too little feedback with IMAP.

Ideally I would like feedback shown both in the CC and also in the
Status bar.

The same problem exists when copying messages into an IMAP account. No
feedback of the progress.

We need the moving bar in the CC for IMAP commands that lasts more than
typically 1 sec.

<greeting> Best regards </greeting>  
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author> 
<thebat version> 3.5.21 Pro </thebat version><extras> MyGate, AVG </extras>
<env.> ~11 POP3, 2 IMAP (MailMax 5.5) & 1 IMAP (Exchange 6.5), 175K msgs. 
<os> Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2 </os>  

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