Hello Natasha!

On Thursday, July 14, 2005, 9:11 AM, you wrote:

>> Why  did  you  write 3.51.1 as the version no? Mine shows only 3.51...
> oops!  My  mistake.  Didn't  wait to hear the .1 at the end. Looking back at 
> the
> combo  where this is set, though, reveals that .1 and .2 are the only .51 
> levels
> listed.

I think we have to take from what the scrollable menu offers when we
write a report.

> My  version is actually Anyone know where the Edit option is hiding 
> on
> the BT page? I'd rather edit the report to show the true level number.

I don't think we have an Edit function, after we've submitted a BT
note. I think you could say this by Add, in the "supporting notes"
function, though.

I've never seen my version described as; only as 3.5.

Where did you get those ".'s" and "0's" ? :huh:

Just curious. ;)

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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