On 7/19/2005, 06:18 PM, you scribbled:

MB> Hello Mike!

MB> On Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 5:46 PM, you wrote:

MB> I am copying your attachment to this Reply, Mike.

Fine, I'll send you details for the royalty check.  :)

MB> Again, I confirm what you see--it's what I see here.

That's bad, TB! is acting up. That's good, I can cancel the
appointment with my shrink. I thought I was losing it.  :)

MB> "Create a New Message" is also greyed-out on my machine, but it
MB> functions when clicked on, as the other two buttons do not.

Cannot confirm this. My "Create a New Message" is not greyed-out and
does function properly. Ahhhh, the mystery deepens.  :unreal2:




               :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.51.5 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.51.5 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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