Hello Paul,

On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 18:52:06 -0400 GMT (21/08/2005, 05:52 +0700 GMT),
Paul Van Noord wrote:

TF>> That's you. I've tabbed into it often, and so do screenreader users.
TF>> For them, it's even necessary, otherwise they wouldn't even know about
TF>> an attachment when tabbing through a message.

PVN> You didn't do it until sometime _after_ v. which is only a
PVN> few months. If you read this whole thread you would have seen I have
PVN> been using The Bat! for 7 years.

I read the whole thread before sending that message and still use
tabbing more often than you. In the past six years since installing TB
1.34a, if that matters.

PVN> I have a totally blind friend using JAWS. He doesn't complain.

I thought the JAWS scripts for the latest TB version are not out yet?
Or maybe that's only for the German version. If you have a link to the
scripts in English, please let me know, I'll relay them to my friends.

Anyway, if you interested in keyboard access and tabbing, please take
a look at this message and see whether you can help:

It refers to bug 0001762: Screenreaders having problems with non-standard GUI


PVN> When reading a message the Tab sequence moves to the attachment after
PVN> the message body. No problem here. The attachment is accessed _after_
PVN> the message which is appropriate.

OK, I read in your message mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :
"IMHO the tab sequence should ignore the attachment pane." This is
what I protested against. As I said to Mary in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED], I have no fixed opinion about
the order, whether the message pane should be reached by tabbing
before or after the body. Important for me is that the message pane
can be reached in the tab sequence at all.

PVN> When working with the editor you should know if there is an
PVN> attachment because you put it there and the most appropriate
PVN> access is with a hotkey. Why would anyone want to tab through the
PVN> attachment to write a message?

I do open the attachment of *every* message I write, in order to check
whether it's really the file I meant to access. I can do that before
or after writing the actual message, so I don't care which gets
acessed first. Others may care more about the order, so I am not
making this a point.

OTOH, in my bugreport 1762 mentioned above, the order is the whole



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200m Brust ab.

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