Hello Richard,

9>> [+] Tabs  : coloring (red - changes message source, green - filters
9>>             current messages)
> I must be thick but I don't understand that at all. At the moment I just
> have 3 tabs: Unread, The Bat and TBBETA. Unread is green and the other
> two are red but why I don't know from your explanation - sorry.

The green ones filter the actual folder. The red ones change the
folder ("message source" was a not very well selected term to explain
that when you select a red tab, then the _messages_ will change,
because you change the folder by selecting a red tab)

9>> [+] Tabs  : ability to enable/disable/close from popup
> Maybe  but you can't change the Tab properties now in some respects.
> All  that  happens is that a new Tab is created. For instance I want
> my  Unread  Tab  to apply to half a dozen folders but it seems that,
> now,  you  can only choose one folder. Try and add any other and you
> just get another Unread Tab added.

Something  is  misunderstood  here...  You  do NOT have to create many
Unread  tab.  Just  make  ONE. When you select a folder and select the
Unread tab, then you see always the unread mails in the ACTUAL folder.

> Anyway  my  unread Tab is incorrect. At the present moment there are
> two  unread  messages showing in the relevant folder but only one in
> the Tab. It doesn't matter what I do, it doesn't show it correctly.

It works ok for me... Could you send a screenshot?


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