Cees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> rašė:

Het was op vrijdag 17 maart 2006 om 16:09 uur dat jij iets schreef over 'dll error' :

Hoi vitalie,

MSVCR71.DLL not found
  No idea what it means.
vv> MS Visual C Runtime. needed by some plugin maybe?

 hey, you're good!
 Yesss.... thanks.
 Apparently  my  antivirus  plugin  needed  that,  and  it  is  not  properly
 installed, since 64-bit windows does not allow all of my regular software to
 get  installed.  Which  sucks....  I've  got an AMD 64-bits for way over two
 years now and still there's no OS that supports in such a decent way so that
 I can install all of my hardware, and all of my software.
 Of course I own my hardware but I also have registered a lot of software!

 If stress == TRUE(send Al Quiada)
 to Bill Gates


Bill Gates have nothing to do with that your antivirus doesn't support x64 version of Windows. Blame you antivirus vendor for that.


  Vilius Šumskas
  LNK TV sistemų administratorius
  mob.: +370 614 75713

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