Howdy Peter,

Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 7:55:03 PM, Peter wrotened:

RO>>>> As far as the newest 300 messages are concerned, could you do
RO>>>> something like that with the mail dispatcher? (I don't know,
RO>>>> didn't try it.)
>>> I would also have to download all headers first, so both ways don't
>>> exactly help me save a significant amount of time. Too bad...

EC>> You could use the Mail Dispatcher. Once all post are shown you can do
EC>> the following...

PM> Thanks for your response, but exactly *that* is my problem: "once all
PM> posts are shown", all headers have been loaded, which means the main
PM> payload has been done. The few lines of text per mail don't matter
PM> much then...

PM> That's why I'm looking for a way to avoid to download *all* headers
PM> first.

Are  you  looking  for a way to look at the number of messages and see
their  relative  sizes? As far as I am aware you could check the sizes
and  the  number  of  mails  by  telnet  and using the list command. I
believe there is a way of deleting a particular group of messages (say
message  301  to 310 for example) DELE 301-309. But I have never tried
this  so  I  wouldn't know. It depends on your telnet system. Some you
have  to delete each message one by one and some you can do many (i.e.
thousands, when mac mail isnt set to delete mails from the server).

Have Fun,

Ben Allen

crashing The Bat! v3.85.03
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