Hello Neal,
Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 11:45:35 PM, you wrote:

>> I   don't  feel  it  has  fixed  the  problem.  I  have to run without
>> AntiSpamSniper or it crashes my computer.

> I upgraded to with no problems. I'm running the pro
> version BTW. I shut down TB and then installed ASS. No startup
> problems. I think my windows OS is the same as yours.

If I download my email without the antispam program running everything
works  fine. Once I have downloaded the bulk of my emailin the morning
I  can then reinitialize antispam and it works OK. It only seems to be
a problem when I stress it with lots of mail. It is currently checking
11 accounts 4 of which are IMAP.

 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v3.99.29 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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