Hello Tbbeta,

I am having trouble with the display of received HTML Mails since
4.x. Let me explain:

I have a fixed width pixel font set for writing and reading text mails
(profont http://www.tobias-jung.de/seekingprofont/) that works only in
8px size.

In 3.99.29 it was used for all text-only display, and HTML-Mails
without font definition were displayed using another font, because
there were different settings for MicroEd/Plain Text and HTML/Windows.

But since 4 there is only one font definition, divided into different
sets for different locales. That's good idea, but it has the
disadvantage that the same font is now used for displaying plain text
and html-text (without font definition).

This has the effect that my fixed width font is used for normal text
in HTML-Mails (which it shouldn't), and the size also differs from
what I defined in the settings, so its near to unreadable.

I'd rather not switch the font because is is so perfectly readable.
So I switched to display HTML/Text Emails as text first as a
temporary workaround.

But what I'd prefer was another setting in preferences ->
viewer/editor -> profiles -> [profile] that allows me to set "Plain
Text" or "HTML" (or both) for a profile, in addition to the
locales/languages selectable right now.

What do you think? Maybe I am the only one having that problem.

And please: no font discussion now, I searched for fonts to read
plain text and program code on the net long enough to be sure I am
using the font that suits me best...! ;-)

TB! on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2

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